"Hemp seed oil, which is extractable from the seeds of the hemp plant, may have some benefits for hair care. Hemp seed oil is a dark green oil that manufacturers make by cold-pressing these seeds or using solvents to extract their oil.
Hemp seeds are the fruit of the hemp plant.
Hemp is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant. It does not contain nearly as much delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the ingredient that causes the “high” that people associate with smoking weed, as other varieties.
Indeed, humans have cultivated hemp for thousands of years, using it to make rope, sails, food, fabric, and medicinal products. The use of hemp seed oil for hair care is hardly new, but it has seen increasing popularity in recent years.
Scientists have not yet identified the specific mechanism by which using hemp seed oil for hair might produce its benefits. However, there are data to show that hair somehow incorporates hemp seed oil.
Although scientific testing has not yet backed up these claims, the following are some of the ways in which hemp seed oil could benefit the hair:
- by promoting hair growth
- by moisturizing the hair
- by thickening the hair
- by preventing water loss to protect the hair
- by reviving damaged hair
- by adding shine
Hemp seeds are rich in polyunsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, in what some experts call the perfect ratio. This may contribute to the many potential health benefits that people attribute to hemp and hemp seed oil.
Some studiesTrusted Source have suggested that hemp seed oil can help relieve the symptoms of dry skin and itchiness in atopic dermatitis. Another studyTrusted Source found that hemp seed oil could be helpful in treating acne.
Some of the alleged benefits of hemp seed oil for hair may be due to its positive impact on the skin, including the scalp.
The composition of hemp seeds provides some clues as to the source of their benefits. Indeed, hemp seeds contain many important nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, including:
- gamma-linolenic acid
- phytosterols
- vitamin D
- vitamin E
- carotene
- chlorophyll
- calcium
- magnesium"
Source: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/hemp-oil-for-hair